New Eson Comfort International!

Welcome to Eson Comfort International and our brand new site!

With a brand new graphic profile we are updating and refining our different orientations,

in the form of unique new websites and new product sheets.

We will add some of the historic information that we see as a special value for you.


Medtech Sweden:

For Sweden, this means that our information and sales of our medical products to Swedish companies, regions, counties and municipalities,

will be through WWW.ESONCOMFORT.SE

We will put our products in the new webshop partly subsequently, therefore please advise if you are missing something –

Medtech International:

For INTERNATIONAL publication and distributor information, refer to Eson Comfort International – WWW.ESONCOMFORT.COM

It is in English but has a built-in automatic translator for most languages.

Home and Leisure Scandinavia:

Our sales and communication of our consumer products will continue to be found on WWW.ESONCOMFORT.NET 

Upholstery Material Scandinavia:

Regarding the sale of products for manufacturing, as upholstery materials and upholstery products, refer to the parent company IDÉ-MÖBLER I  LANDERYD AB and the website WWW.IDEMOBLER.SE

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